Bunk Beds Replacement – Phase 1
New Bunk Beds
Our children live in 6 dormitories, each one contains 11 bunk beds. Over the years we have been fixing them if needed, but now after 13 years of use this is no longer an option. They’ve become too wobbly and some are even close to collapsing. In order not to risk the safety of our children, the beds need to be replaced as soon as possible. The children love to sleep in bunk beds, as they have their own little space of privacy.

US$200-$300 per unit
Direct Contact
Uampond Siripokakul (Kru Uam)
- uam@yaowawit.org
- +66 82 275 9258 (preferably in Thai, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thailand time)

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