UWC Phuket, Visit
Grade 2 Experience Yaowawit School
15 March 2017
Written by Kru Amy, with the help of the Grade 2 students
Last month, on the 9 and 10 of February, Grade 2 went to Yaowawit School. They went because they had been asked to help the students of Grades 2 and 3 there practise their English skills. All of the boys and girls live at Yaowawit and they are either orphaned or come from families who are unable to look after them anymore. The school teaches life skills, meditation and social skills as well as academic skills. It hopes to teach all of its students English and that is where UWC Thailand’s Grade 2 comes in!
This year we worked hard at school to make games that we could play with our new friends and then leave at the school with them. We also collected the materials to make rolly-polly cars and we demonstrated how to construct these and had a lot of fun trying them out!
In the 2 days there we played football and hockey, coloured, and read together as well. We also delivered the indestructible footballs that we raised the money for, when we we in Grade 1. This year we raised a lot more money from our show The Holly Jolly Pirates and we have just decided that we need to raise some more because we want to buy them something big from the wish list they sent us after our visit.
They took us around their farm and showed us the fruit trees and the fish in the stream. The students at Yaowawit also learn how to grow things like bananas and mango trees. Some of the older students work in hospitality and run the hotel where we slept and the restaurant where we ate amazing food! They also have a shop that sells lemongrass products. Some of the other older students learn about technology and computing so they can get jobs when they leave in the IT business.

Here are some of Grade 2’s comments on their recent visit:
“I learned to give away stuff you don’t want or need (like the game I made) to help other … people” (Lita)
“I want to go again because I like to sleep away from home and play games” (Catherine)
“Excited, nervous, happy to be there and sad to leave” (Gabriela)
“The trip was very very long so we got bored so we decided to tell jokes” (Andrian)
“Then we played football. They kept knocking us down. Our bodies, not our score!” (Cecil)
“I wonder what will happen to them?” (Jayden)