January Newsletter, 2017

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We hope you had a great start into the new year.Here at Yaowawit School, January has gone by a blink of an eye. Starting fresh into 2017, the last month was completely packed with a lot of exciting events.


To begin with, we celebrated Children’s Day together with all of the children in our neighboring town Kapong. This mean  for our Yaowawit children getting up at four in the morning, joining a temple fair at Kapong temple, a lot of games, food and performances.The sun was burning, yet our Kindergarten would not let go the opportunity of dancing to their all-time favorite  Pikachu Dance. Exhausted but happy, and with their bags full of sweets and treats, everybody went back to the school.


Next up was our primary Scouts Camp, many people were really looking forward to these two days on the field. Joint by our friends from Berlin International School it became even more  fun! yaowawit staff organised several stations for the children to explore the farm and sharpen their survival skills.Bonding over sleepovers in tents, dancing around the bonfire and singing traditional songs;the children fell asleep filled with the joy the camp has brought to everyone.


Towards the end of the month our grade six was preparing themselves for the national ONET exam, signifying the end of their time at primary school. In the meantime, our art classes and teachers started to prepare everything for our big Chinese New Year celebrations on the upcoming Saturday.The teachers were eager to contribute to the festivities,planning traditional stations  for the children such as Chinese crafting, baking and writing their names in Chinese graphic characters. Our Culture Club had something very special prepared- over the past few weeks, the children have been crafting the twelve animals from the Chinese Zodiac calendar. together with Kru Yan and our volunteers, they are practicing the play. Now we are all eager to see them perform.

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